Drop-off/Pickup Guidelines
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Arrival Procedures: Students are permitted into the building at 8:40 a.m. Students bused to school will be dropped off in the front of the building.
Arrival: 8:40 to 8:55
Dismissal: 3:05 to 3:20
Drop Offs:
Students being dropped off in the morning may enter through the back doors. Please use the drop-off/pick-up line in the back of the building. There is no supervision before 8:40, and children who arrive before that time, will not be permitted to enter the building. A staff member will be at the door between 8:40 and 8:55 a.m. to welcome students. Any student arriving after 8:55 must enter the front of the building and report to the nurse’s office with a parent or guardian to obtain a late pass.
Dismissal Procedures:
Dismissal begins at the conclusion of our last period, 3:00 p.m. An announcement will be made over the loudspeaker. Pick-ups and Sunset will be called first (at 3:05pm). Buses are called accordingly. Students will ENTER onto the buses directly (not line up in the middle hallway). Clubs are called after the last buses.