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K-5 Homework Guidelines

MORRIS SCHOOL DISTRICT                                                                 

Elementary School Homework Guidelines

2023-2024 School Year

What are our commitments to students and families when creating homework assignments at the elementary school level?

  • We will provide students and families with transparency around homework expectations, assignments, and frequency

  • We will organize all homework assignments in alignment with Morris School District Homework Policy 2330

  • We will prioritize the wellness of our students by limiting the amount of time they devote to school work at home in order to promote a healthy balance between the partnership between home and school. 

  • We will partner directly with families to make any accommodations necessary to strengthen the school-home partnership around learning.


What will be the purpose of the homework assigned? 

  • To practice independently applying skills and concepts learned in class.

  • To develop habits that foster independence  (time management, responsibility, etc) in a grade level/age appropriate way

  • To share learning experiences with family members


In addition to reading every night, how much homework will be assigned weekly? 

  • Research shows that it is the quality of the homework, not the quantity, that matters most. That being the case, the Morris School District Homework Policy Regulation 2330 aligns to the National PTA and the National Education Association recommendations of  the “10 minute rule”. This rule states that students should have a maximum of ten minutes of homework per grade level. 


Grade Level


Per Week

Not to Exceed 

Per Night Assigned



5-10 minutes

1st Grade

1-4 times

10 minutes

2nd Grade

1-4 times

20 minutes

3rd Grade

4 times

30 minutes

4th Grade 

4 times

40 minutes

5th Grade 

4 times

50 minutes


Please Note:  These time frames are INCLUSIVE of all subject areas including Supplemental Instruction,  Instrumental Music and Quest at the 3rd-5th grade level 


What type of homework will be assigned? 

  • Reading every night is a requirement for all students.  Teachers will communicate with students and families regarding the grade level appropriate “read & respond” approach that will be used.

  • Technology will not be the primary source of homework for students.  Chromebooks will be sent home periodically at which time students can practice iReady lessons or do Reflex Math activities using the grade level time guidelines above.

  • In addition to reading every night, homework will be assigned on a schedule similar to the examples  below

    • Choice Board 

    • Homework Planner 


How will the homework count or be assessed? 

  • There will be no homework grade for elementary students 

  • Teachers will review and utilize homework review to plan, individualize and guide  instruction in class


What if there are questions or concerns about homework?

  • Please contact your child’s teacher to discuss homework assignments